Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 (ISR G2)

Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2

Platform list:
Cisco 3900 Series
Cisco 2900 Series
Cisco 1900 Series
Cisco 890, 880, 860 Series
Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2

Software Activation Terminology and Details
Universal Image
Each 1900, 2900 and 3900 system is loaded with a universal Cisco IOS image. Universal IOS image contains all Cisco IOS features. The level of Cisco IOS functionality available is determined by the combination of one or more licenses installed on the device.
There will be two versions of universal images supported on the next generation ISRs.
1. Universal images with the "universalk9" designation in the image name: This universal image offers all the Cisco IOS features including strong crypto features such as VPN payload, Secure UC etc.
2. Universal images with the universalk9_npe" designation in the image name: The robust licensing encryption solution provided by Cisco Software Activation satisfies requirements for the export of encryption capabilities. However, some countries have import requirements that require that the device does not support any strong crypto functionality such as VPN payload etc. in any form. To satisfy the import requirements of those countries, this universal image does not support any strong payload encryption such as VPN payload, secure voice etc. This image supports threat defense features through SECNPE-K9 license.
Unique Device Identifier (UDI)
The Unique Device Identifier is made up of two components: the Product ID (PID) and Serial Number (SN). Serial Number is an 11 digit number which uniquely identifies a device. The Product ID identifies the type of device. This information can be found using the "show license UDI" command on the router CLI. This information is also present on a pull-out label tray found on the device. You may have to remove "V01" that follows the PID. eg. use only "CISCO2921/K9", instead of "CISCO2921/K9 V01".

Q. What tunnel count and performance throughput are available on the Cisco ISR G2 routers with the SECK9 license?
A. The SEC-K9 permanent licenses apply to the Cisco 1900, 2900, and 3900 ISR G2 platforms; these licenses limit all encrypted tunnel counts to 225 tunnels maximum for IP Security (IPsec), Secure Sockets Layer VPN (SSLVPN), a secure time-division multiplexing (TDM) gateway, and secure Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) and 1000 tunnels for Transport Layer Security (TLS) sessions.
The SEC-K9 license limits encrypted throughput to less than or equal to 85-Mbps unidirectional traffic in or out of the ISR G2 router, with a bidirectional total of 170 Mbps. This requirement applies for the Cisco 1900, 2900, and 3900 ISR G2 platforms.

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