Saturday, July 7, 2012

QoS Bandwidth Estimation

Feature Overview of QoS Bandwidth Estimation

Allocating adequate bandwidth is key to ensuring the network performance required for applications. However, allocating too much bandwidth can be costly. The QoS Bandwidth Estimation feature in Cisco IOS software uses Corvil Bandwidth technology to allow you, as a network manager, to determine the bandwidth requirements to achieve user-specified quality of service (QoS) targets for networked applications.
Corvil Bandwidth can determine the minimum bandwidth required to deliver traffic within customer-specified QoS targets with statistical reliability. From a network management perspective, an application's QoS requirements are characterized with respect to its sensitivity to delay and packet loss. Corvil Bandwidth provides a way to specify limits for delay and packet loss, and get a tight estimate of the minimum bandwidth essential to achieve desired application performance.
Corvil Bandwidth achieves its results by taking very short timescale (8-millisecond) snapshots of traffic and summarizing them in traffic descriptors that place very low overhead on the router because each descriptor has fewer than 300 bytes. These traffic descriptors record the exceptional events (bursts) and are input to the Corvil Bandwidth algorithm to calculate the minimum bandwidth required to deliver the user-specified QoS target for the observed traffic. (The QoS target is specified in terms of sensitivity to traffic delay and packet loss. For example, voice over IP [VoIP] traffic is very sensitive to both, whereas e-mail file transfer is sensitive to neither.)
As a result, turning on Corvil Bandwidth in the router allows you to obtain bandwidth values that can be used directly to configure the existing Cisco IOS QoS mechanisms on the router to achieve the required application performance as efficiently as possible. 

Prerequisites for QoS Bandwidth Estimation  

• Before using this feature, configure a class map and a policy map using the Modular Quality of Service (QoS) Command-Line Interface (CLI) (MQC), and specify the appropriate match criteria.
This feature requires the purchase of a Cisco IOS software feature license. The right to use this feature is not included in the base Cisco IOS software license for the software image. 

Restrictions for QoS Bandwidth Estimation

This feature supports policy maps that are attached to interfaces in an output direction only.  


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